Would you be okay with someone speaking to your loved ones the way you speak to yourself? Esteem: (definition) Respect and Admiration. We discovered last week exactly what those two…
‘The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself’ - Mark Twain What you think about, you bring about. Both analytical and holistic modalities now all finally agree on…
Over time, we have been conditioned to repress our emotions. As we were going through our development years, we were often told things like ‘don’t behave like that in public’…
Let me ask you something. Would you get into a plane if the pilot was not fully qualified? Would you go to a doctor who hadn’t completed their qualification? Similarly,…
With a healthy mindset and a few practical strategies, you can stop agonising over what to charge your clients. A lot of soloists complain about feeling uncomfortable when it comes…