If you want to make friends with the greatest part of your mind, which is your unconscious mind, you need to invest time with it. Only then are you able…
Self-sabotage. If you’re into self-help and spirituality, this is a term that comes up a lot. But what exactly does it mean? Self-sabotage is when we say we want something…
Sometimes to surrender means giving up trying to understand … and to become comfortable with not knowing. Imagine this. You have this strong desire to push for that new job…
There is no right or wrong. There is only cause and effect. Let’s talk about Karma, the universal law of ‘cause’ and ‘effect’ – you reap what you sow. Essentially,…
You can’t change what people are without destroying who they were. The butterfly effect theory states that when a butterfly moves its wings somewhere in the world it can cause…
We’re all guilty of it … acting on impulse, acting on assumption … and then, more often than not, getting it wrong. In today’s fast-paced world we’re constantly under pressure…